
shakin' down companies to get the best deals

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

fondalo launches user side beta

Late Monday afternoon, fondalo opened it's system to users. Reminds me of the famous movie quote... "if you build it they will come." Well, they came, they are using and are inviting others. Does that happen anymore with start-ups? Apparently it does when you build something the market has been unknowingly dying for.

There were some incredible comments and quotes over the first 24 hours. Lots of, I don't get its and several ah ha moments. I am going to share a few tid bits that were gleaned. A new term has emerged that is already being used in and out of the site. fondaloing... I guess it is a verb? Never the less we loved it! Still another comment we saw within the system as one user explained fondalo to a friend they invited. "Imagine that you have 100 friends and they have 100 friends and they have 100 friends. Within a few degree's of separation there are thousands and then millions of us. Now imagine the buying power of that group. That is fondalo!!!."

Could we have said it any better ourselves?

Still another person called me this morning and asked, "Are you telling me you built a facebook type network that lets people buy things cheaper?" Before I could answer, she continued, "OMG, this is incredible. I am going to finish signing up and invite all my friends."

We think people are getting it.

Here is what has been taken away from our first few days. First, the concept is sound. Consumers understand social networking and have a need to find a way to use it that benefits them beyond just posting where they are and what they are doing. Secondly, though a totally new concept of socially building buying power though an online user controlled environment, the economic drive is there. Consumers see a huge value in pooling communities, networks and connections to save money, get more for less and forge new relationships with retailers, brands and products.

What's next for fondalo? We have a mission to build the user base to critical mass levels, educate and facilitate effective use of the system and build sizeable groups of people around products, services and brands they are interested in. Finally, we will help fondalo users to leverage that mass to get great offers from local, regional and national companies.

happy, ummm fondaloing!

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