Yesterday I wrote about the shift that’s happening in Social Media and how Value is going to be the significant driver this year. Today I am going to continue with my thoughts on what this change should look like for you and your social media marketing strategy.
I am continually coming across Twitter accounts and Facebook fanpages of corporations that consist of unrelenting rants about themselves, their product or service. Now if indeed you are an interested fan/follower of that company this starts out great. However just like with your ex-wife or husband, NOBODY likes being talked AT all the time.
You know, the friend you have coffee with now only once a year because when you get together they continually talk about themselves? You feel exhausted and overwhelmed and can’t handle another minute with them until maybe next year. Social marketing must be careful not to become that friend to its fans.
Here are some changes to your social media strategy that you need to consider this year.
1) Know your market. Who are you talking to and why are they interested in your brand/product.
2) Focus your messaging to instill “social value” by understanding your customers concerns, needs and desires. Post messages and information that is helpful, interesting and not solely focused on you or your brand.
3) Enlist communication and feedback that not only engages your fans, but because of the value you are providing they share it with others.
4) Create a formal strategy with clear targets and goals for what you hope to achieve and more importantly how you plan to achieve it.
5) Follow the plan and be consistent with your communication.
This year social media will bombard followers and fans in your networks with overwhelming data, information and posts. Those companies that heed this warning and emphasize value in their strategy will thrive, those that implement old marketing tactics in their social marketing will have a much more difficult time.
By Robert M. Caruso
CEO fondalo, Inc.
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